Discover Serenity in the Heart of Japan

Ryan Ratino

Service Charge and Tax Included

¥ 66,000
Per Person Participation Fee/Approximately $455.17 at an exchange rate of 1 dollar = 145 yen
  • Course Cuisine
  • Champagne
  • Wine Pairing
Gastronomic Delights with a Two-Star Michelin Chef: A Cultural Journey in Tohoku

Exclusive Tohoku Local Gastronomy, Japan

Embark on February 7, 2023, on an exquisite and rare culinary journey, where you will indulge in the lavish tastes nurtured in the snowy depths of Northeastern Tohoku. Enjoy the region's finest ingredients, thoughtfully prepared by a renowned two-star Michelin chef, in a once-in-a-lifetime dining experience that celebrates the unique lifestyle and culture of this rich area

"Exclusive Retreat: Northern Grande Hachimantai"

Culinary Mastery by a World-Class Chef

A Blissful Evening Woven by Starred Chefs from Japan and the USA

Unique Flavors Rooted in the Climate and History of the Region

Featured tours

Amazing tour places around the Hachimantai

Best Security

When nothing prevents our to we like best, every pleasure to be.

Free Internet

When nothing prevents our to we like best, every pleasure to be.

Solar Energy

When nothing prevents our to we like best, every pleasure to be.

Mountain Biking

When nothing prevents our to we like best, every pleasure to be.

Swimming & Fishing

When nothing prevents our to we like best, every pleasure to be.

GYM and Yoga

When nothing prevents our to we like best, every pleasure to be.